viernes, 8 de mayo de 2020

The Best Holidays Ever!

The Best Holidays Ever to me are not the ones that I go out of the country, for me the best holidays are the ones when I go to places in my country, in special one place that I would like to talk about in this blog.

This place is Papudo 

Papudo is one of my favorites places to go in Chile, because is "near" where I live and I can do lot of things like scuba diving, spearfishing, some enduro in the hills, stuff in the sea like drive boats or ride in a jet ski and If I want to do BodyBoarding, I can just go to Maintencillo that is very close to Papudo.

But the truth is that there is nothing much to do when it's night time, that's why not many people go to this place. But if you are with friends or with more people, you can always hang out and chill for a while. And this is one of my favorites things to do when I´m with my closest ones,  just chill out in the night and do some BodyBoarding very early in the morning while the waves are still big enough to enjoy the ride.

For me, it´s always nice going to the beach when the evening comes and I´m tired. I like a lot the one that is in the first photo, and just like to sleep for a moment or swim a little, while the temperature is still hot, because late in the evening it´s starts to get cold and windy.

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