viernes, 8 de mayo de 2020

The Best Holidays Ever!

The Best Holidays Ever to me are not the ones that I go out of the country, for me the best holidays are the ones when I go to places in my country, in special one place that I would like to talk about in this blog.

This place is Papudo 

Papudo is one of my favorites places to go in Chile, because is "near" where I live and I can do lot of things like scuba diving, spearfishing, some enduro in the hills, stuff in the sea like drive boats or ride in a jet ski and If I want to do BodyBoarding, I can just go to Maintencillo that is very close to Papudo.

But the truth is that there is nothing much to do when it's night time, that's why not many people go to this place. But if you are with friends or with more people, you can always hang out and chill for a while. And this is one of my favorites things to do when I´m with my closest ones,  just chill out in the night and do some BodyBoarding very early in the morning while the waves are still big enough to enjoy the ride.

For me, it´s always nice going to the beach when the evening comes and I´m tired. I like a lot the one that is in the first photo, and just like to sleep for a moment or swim a little, while the temperature is still hot, because late in the evening it´s starts to get cold and windy.

viernes, 1 de mayo de 2020

A Country I Would Like to Visit

Bahrain the country made of islands

The Kingdom of Bahrain is a collection of islands situated between Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Known for being one of the more liberal Muslim countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (or GCC, made up of Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates), Bahrain offers tourists an exotic, Islamic experience with all the luxury trappings of a wealthy, petroleum-based economy.

Manama the Capital of Bahrain

The first time I heard about Baharian was because of the F1 ( Formula 1 is the highest class of single-seater auto racing sanctioned by the  Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) ) Bahrain Grand Prix, Since then, more than the country, I´ve always wanted to visit the F1 track that was there.

Bahrain with a current population that was close to  1.3m at the latest Census in 2010, though it´s believed to have grown to over 1.5m since then. Being a country with not much population this suffers a big growth in population when it´s the time of the Grand Prix because people of all the world go to the country.

So first to go to the country you need a Visa that you can apply online, though the instructions provided are not so clear. for the trip, but if you are a citizen of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) you don´t need the Visa. The good news, however, is that F1 valid race tickets are eligible for a free 14 days visa on arrival (VOA) in Bahrain.

Bahrain is a  country that has a hot, arid climate, but in March when the Grand Prix takes time is just a great time to visit as this tends to be just before things get unbearably hot. The expected temperatures are hover around 25°C in March, before spiking up to 40°and sometimes 50°C in July and August. Thankfully, all grandstands at the Bahrain Grand Prix are covered and the race itself takes place after dark when temperatures begin to fall. The average minimum temperature at night in March is around 18°C. It’s highly unlikely to rain during your trip to Bahrain for the Grand Prix.

Buy Bahraini Dinars online – BHD home delivery | ManorFXMoney is an important thing when you go to another country, in this case, the currency in Bahrain is the Bahraini Dinar (BHD). The currency has appreciated against major international currencies recently, and as of October, 1 BHD is worth approximately $2.65 USD.

Before finishing this Blog one of the most important aspects is that tap water in Bahrain is not suitable for drinking, but bottled water is widely available and cheap. And if you had some health problems most of the large chain hotels have an on-call doctor available 24 hours a day, and there are several hospitals in Manama where most F1 travelers stay, some 30 kilometers from the Bahrain International Circuit.

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Best Price on Gulf Hotel Bahrain Convention and Spa in Manama + ...

Gulf Hotel Bahrain top 5-star hotel in  Bahrain

Well, Bahrain and his F1 Grand Prix is ​​always an amazing place that I would like to go, hope that I can go to the next year F1 Bahrain Grand Prix.